Posted by Jed Castle
Bantu collective incorporated compromises of 12 members from different African countries which include Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Malawi, Botswana to mention a few. 
We create platforms and meaningful ways that our community’s can engage with the wider Geelong community. 
The events provide the Geelong community and visitors a unique cultural celebration experience and help to build social cohesion. It boosts cultural pride, social engagement, communication, awareness of our culture, and new knowledge for the Geelong community.
We hope it support our community's cultural identity across generations. And increase our capacity to enhance the lives of marginalized or isolated people in our community by trying to make Geelong their new home.
Bantu is the Zulu word for people. Bantu is also the name of tribes that are from central Africa all the at to Southern Africa. It is one of the the largest tribes in Africa.